At their May meeting, the Knights of Columbus named their officers for the upcoming year. Father Gil blessed all the officers as our Grand Knight Merlin Schwab and Deputy Grand Knight Mike Davis were sworn in. Installation of officers was held on June 14, followed by a social in the Community Center. The KC […]
Knights support Seminarians
Father Gil presented checks to the seminarians who are dedicated students preparing for ministerial work in the Roman Catholic Church. From left to right in the picture: Sammy Merritt, Bryan DeVillier, Fr. Gil, Jupiter Nguyen, Andrew Gutierrez.
Knights Help VFW POST 8290
Knights receive thank you note for the donation to replace a flag pole.
Knights Donate to Special Olympics
Butch O’Neal and Merlin Schwab present Craig Oser with a $500 check to Louisiana Special Olympics. These funds give those continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and share personal skills, gifts of spirit, and friendship with their families, their fellow Special Olympics
Condo Raffle Tickets Sales Increase
Thanks to all the props that Eddie Hattier provided at the fish fry on March 11 sales took off! Between the Jimmy Buffet music playing margaritaville and Hawaiian shirt half the knights was ready for vacation. One person commented ” I’m supprised Eddie didn’t order a truck load of sand”. David Schaefer said don’t give him any […]